Prenatal Testing

Our Prenatal Testing Is Given the Highest Priority

Prenatal genetic testing for congenital and early onset diseases. Early and accurate identification of disease-causing mutations in "at-risk" families before birth. All monogenic diseases can be detected, even at the early stages of pregnancy.

what you should know about

Our Prenatal Diagnosis

We offers a turnaround time of ten business days for most prenatal analyses (known variants, deletion/duplication analysis, single gene sequencing) and of less than 15 business days for NGS (next generation sequencing) analyses. In addition, our medical experts are always available for your support before, during and after the analysis.

Starting Material

  • Chorionic villi
  • Amniotic fluid
  • Fetal DNA
  • Cord blood (for late pregnancies) as possible material

You have the option to send us tubes with already cultivated cells. Alternatively, we offer cell cultivation service.

Mandatory information:

  • Logistics tracking number of sample shipment
  • Requested analysis
  • Physician's contact information

We Offer Superior Services

The choice of the appropriate testing strategy and a quick response are key factors to minimize the stress. We assist you at every step of processing your request.


Request a Call Back?

our medical experts are always available for your support before, during and after the analysis.
